I attended a full day workshop for school today, and came home in the late afternoon to find the same two male anoles fighting again outside the back door: the aggressive new guy who won the fight the other day, and the male who’d been living in the area for awhile before the new anole showed up.  They fought for at least 40 minutes while I was watching (and both survived the fight, in spite of the looks of this first photo). It’s late and it’s been a long day, so here are just a few highlights of the fight.


They fought all over the place, including up on some garden tools and supplies where the new anole accidentally grabbed a gardening glove as he snapped at his opponent. He fought the glove for a couple of minutes before he noticed the other anole sort of standing around waiting.


They went up and down a broomstick a few times.


And they tossed each other around and flipped each other over.



In the end the anole who’s been around for awhile won the battle, and the newcomer ran away. I saw the new guy a little later running along the edge of the pool. The winner posed on the broomstick.


I’ll be watching for any further developments!